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Conservative Businessman. Faithful Family man.

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Cody Rogers started his paving construction company in 2015 with a hard hat and a $5,000 loan. Since then, he has built it into a successful enterprise, employing dozens of Oklahomans and managing million-dollar projects. Before working in road construction, Rogers worked in the oil and gas industry, managing large budgets across multiple states, and gained government regulatory experience. He wants to use his business experience to get the government out of the way and off of our back. Cody Rogers is a Conservative Republican who is pro-life, pro-education, and pro-fiscal responsibility. Cody wants to continue defending our values in the State Senate. Cody is the only conservative with a proven record to get the job done.

"You trusted me to win back our district, and we did. I've worked hard to be a solid conservative voice in the State Senate that limits government and grows our economy, but the fight isn't over. I humbly ask for your support once again as your State Senator for District 37."  

-Cody Rogers

When Cody Rogers first ran for State Senate in 2020, he promised to reject any OUT OF STATE SPECIAL INTEREST MONEY because he believed to represent Senate District 37, our state senator must be accountable to their constituents. Cody delivered on that promise, while also earning some of the top conservative marks, including endorsements by the OK2A, the NRA, and the GOP Small Business Coalition. Cody spoke about the importance of having common-sense conservative leadership, "Our principles are all we have to ensure good outcomes, but too often, our politicians take them for granted. Right now, we have government regulations on the books that are stifling economic growth. I witness it every day in my own construction business relating to Oklahoma's struggling infrastructure. I'm not running to make speeches; I'm running to get things done for the families of State Senate District 37."

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